Monday 8 June 2015

HOW TO PREPARE NIGERIAN DONUT(with health benefits)


Donut is a popular snacks, made with flour, butter, milk , sugar and yeast and then cut into rings , sometimes filled with jam and deep fried


 This makes about 15-20 donuts
**480 g of plain flour
**2.5 tablespoons of instant dry yeast/15g fresh yeast

**5 tablespoons of warm water  
**25g of melted Butter or Margarine
**1 large egg 
**180ml warm milk
**50 g of sugar  
**1 teaspoon of salt


1.  In a small bowl, add the yeast, 3 tablespoonful of flour, 5 tablespoons of warm water and mix together. Cover and leave in a warm place to rise and double and begin to form small bubbles in it. Then set aside.

2. Into another large bowl, add the remaining flour, sugar and salt. Mix well.

3.  Now add the egg, warm milk, melted butter and the yeast batter (starter). Mix thoroughly for about 10 minutes, then fold the sticky dough into a rough ball & place in a greased bowl.

Cover with a clean napkin or nylon, tilt to one side and leave for about 1 hour until the dough doubles in size.

4. When the dough has risen, place on a floured table; flatten with your palms and rub a little flour on the sticky flattened dough.

5. Now using a biscuit cutter or the wide top of a glass cup, cut the flattened dough into doughnuts rounds. If you like you can use a syringe (without the needle) to fill the donuts with jam, you can also do this after frying the donuts.

6. If you want very large donuts, you can leave the donuts to rise for another 20 minutes before frying.

7. Heat up the oil until very hot- about 180ยบ C (you can do an oil test by dropping a little of the dough in the oil, to see how fast it will fry
 Now fry the donuts in the oil for 1 minutes on each side. Transfer into a sieve, lined with paper towels, to absorb excess oil.


1.   It keeps cholesterol and heat disease under control.

2.   It fights certain diseases like the type2 diabetes and obesity.

3.   It contains vitamins B5 which helps the development of young infants.

4.   It increases total calories which are necessary for speedy recovery from intense exercise.

5.   It contains vitamin B3 which aids the formation of co-enzymes involved in cellular respiration.

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