Thursday 4 June 2015


If you look around the world today you will see so many conflicts and troubles going on around the world and 75% of these conflicts and troubles comes from marriages and relationships while about 25% cause of these conflicts can be caused by religion and power tussle. But our main focus will be on addressing the reasons why marriages and relationships fail to workout between those involved in it.
The 3 main killers of marriages and relationships are;
1.                  TELLING LIES
Telling lies is very common among people common among people in a relationship or people in the positions of power. These people don’t think anymore before telling lies these days.
But if you are married or in a relationship and you must lie, you must have a good reason to lie and that reason is to lie because of those you love. Lying because of those you love psychologically makes the lie 75% true because you have a clear reason of lying. This technic must not be taken for granted as lying is a bad ingredient in a marriage or relationship.
2.                  STEALING
Stealing is generally unacceptable anywhere because nobody loves a thief. Even an armed robber dislikes people stealing from him even though stealing is what he does for a living. But if you are married or you are in a relationship to get married and you must steal, please steal from bad company not from your spouse. Because the truth is, since you hate to be stolen from it is wise not to steal from anybody not even your spouse.
3.                  CHEATING
Cheating or suspecting that your spouse is cheating on you is one of the major reasons why many marriages and relationships are broken all around the world today. But people are too quick to judge rather than knowing the reason behind once action. If you are in a relationship or married, and you find out or suspect that your spouse is cheating on you, I thing the best thing to do is to find out the reason why they cheated on you before asking them to leave.  Asking your spouse to leave or calling off the relationship is not the best option because your spouse that cheated on you is not perfect, you are not perfect, and the next relationship you may go into may not be perfect. Since nobody is perfect in life, learn to give credit to those who try.

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