Sunday 17 May 2015

HOW TO PREPARE MAYONNAISE AT HOME (with health benefits)


Mayonnaise is a versatile condiment used commonly as a dip or spread.
 But instead of running off to the stores each time you run out of mayonnaise, now you can make yours at home.
 You won't believe how easy it is; all you need are 3 ingredients you might already have in your kitchen and it is also healthier too, as you know what goes into it.


- 1 large Egg (at room temperature)
- 150ml Vegetable oil of choice(
not necessary to use olive oil)
- 1 tablespoonful Lemon juice or Vinegar(optional, but gives it a slight acidic taste)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

Note: You can also add spices and herbs to your mix, if you want to.
Olive oil gives it a very strong taste, which most people don't like, so feel free to make use of any other vegetable oil. 
 All ingredients should be at room temperature.

1. Wash the egg thoroughly and break into a blender.

2. Add the salt, vegetable oil and lemon juice or Vinegar and blend the mixture for 10 seconds and stop when you notice the mixture turning slightly white.

 Tip: If you don't have an immersion hand blender like the one in the photo below, you have to add the oil gradually until you get your desired consistency.

3. Continue blending for another 20 seconds until all the ingredients are well incorporated.
If you're using an immersion blender, like mine, do an upwards and downwards movement until the oil is well combined with the egg.
 You should have a stiff and smooth consistency.4. Finally pour into a sterile container and your homemade mayonnaise is ready for use. 

Mayonnaise can also be made with a common hand whisk, but instead of using the whole egg, only the yolk will be used here.

- 1 egg Yolk
- 120ml Vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons Vinegar or lemon juice
- Salt to taste

1. Wash and crack the egg and carefully separate the yolk from the white and place in a wide bowl. 

 Add the salt to the egg yolk and mix together until well combined.

2. using a teaspoon, gradually add the oil (drop by drop), stirring continuously as you do so.

The Mayonnaise will begin to thicken as you add the oil. If the mixture becomes too thick, add a few drops of the vinegar/lemon juice to thin it down a bit, and continue stirring until smooth and you've reached your desired thickness.

3. Finally, add the remaining vinegar/lemon juice and mix well until well incorporated and smooth.

Homemade Mayonnaise keeps for up to 1 week, but I highly recommend that you use it up in three days and also store in the fridge.

very important tips
- If you ended up with a thin (watery) mayonnaise, don't throw it away; simply place 1 egg yolk in a new bowl, whisk until until fluffy, then gradually add the thin mayonnaise to it, stirring all the time, until you reach your desired thickness.

- When using the blender method, you can also beat the egg first until stiff before gradually adding the oil and lemon juice, this will result in a thicker mayonnaise.
- Always use fresh eggs
- Eggs from pastured hens are best used for mayonnaise because they contain 20 times more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than factory-fed hens.


1.   It helps in the formation of co-enzymes which takes part in the synthesis of amino acids.

2.   The lemon in it contains Vitamins K, required for synthesis of certain blood clothing factors.

3.   It contains Vitamin A which is good for the skin and eyes.

4.   It acts as hydrogen carriers round the body.

5.   It contains Vitamin B6 which helps in the development of young infants.

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