Wednesday 27 May 2015



Chin-Chin is a crunchy deep-fried Nigerian snack, which is quite easy to make.
   It is usually served as an appetizer .It's a nice quick snack for guests and suitable as a movie night snack for the family; Kids love it too.
 Chin Chin is not just a big favorite because of its delicious taste, it is also loved by all because it keeps for a long period(about 5 weeks) if stored properly in airtight containers.

 •1kg of All purpose Flour(Plain Flour)
•200g of Margarine
•150 ml whole milk(100ml of evaporated milk or 75ml Condensed milk or 70g of powdered milk)
• Half teaspoon of baking powder(optional)
•100g of granulated sugar
• Half a teaspoon Salt
•1 teaspoonful of ground nutmeg
•3 raw eggs(optional)
•Vegetable Oil (for frying)
•Water(add bit by bit if you are not using whole milk)
(add 50 ml if using evaporated milk,
add 75ml is using Condensed milk,
add 100m).

 -If you are using eggs, beat the eggs and set aside.

- Pour the sugar into a small bowl, add the milk and mix thoroughly.

- In a bigger bowl, add the flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Mix well and then add the margarine. Mix thoroughly with your hands until it looks like fine bread crumbs.
 - Add the eggs and the milk-sugar mixture into the bowl and mix well until you get a smooth but stiff dough.
 - Now place  the dough on a floured flat surface and knead for a minute. Then using a rolling pin, roll the dough flat and cut into any shape of choice. Note that the dough doubles in size when placed in the hot oil, so don't cut it too big. If you are using powdered milk, you can add a little water to get this consistency.

1.   It boosts and provides the body with immediate energy.

2.   It contains vitamin B3 which is needed for healthy eyes and skin

3.   It contains vitamin D which is needed for the regulation of calcium absorption.

4.   It contains vitamin A which plays an important role in blood clothing.

5.   It’s rich in carbohydrates which optimizes energy in the body.

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